2010年4月10日 星期六


I had the last F&B II laboratory class today. I hate this class so much. The lecturer gave us back our Practical Examination report as we may have our Practical Examination next weekend. Originally beer tasting was scheduled on today's class, but a girl fell down in kitchen because of alcohol, the session of beer tasting is cancelled. Cheese tasting is the replacement. The Processed Cheese is tasty, I like it so much. i will buy some in supermarket later on.

Here comes to the last Kitchen class of this semester. I thought our performance was better than last time. However, the main course was not been finished cooking yet before the class ended. I cooked lamb again this time, it was better as well because the size of the lamb was smaller than last time to make it easy for cook. Everything was fine and nothing special. Maybe all of us has became experts of cooking. HAHA

After class, my Kay tasted our dishes in school. Then we went to Tsim Sha Tsui i-square to see notebooks. We asked the salesperson if the model of notebook I wanted to buy was available. I was so happy that they answered me Yes. But my parents did not allow me to buy it at the moment. WHY??? It was good for Kay that the model he wanted was available. Finally he brought it and would probably addicted on it very much. Then I asked the salesperson again if the model I wanted was really available. After he checked it the system, he said NO.. He told us that the only retailer was Sony itself. Aiii.. disappointed again. My parents said that they would go to Sony shop to buy the notebook, I hoped they can really buy one for me, otherwise I will be crazy then.
Kay is addicting to his new notebook!!!


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