2010年4月5日 星期一


I have lots of tasks need to do today, they make me very busy. Putonghua discussion test is held in the afternoon during the Putonghua lesson. I think I perform quite good in the test as I have prepared and memorized the script. I am so relax after the test!

Then I have a meeting with my groupmates concerning the Meeting Management Project. It is quite confused that we do not know what we have to include in the Report. Lucky, one of my groupmates has information of an International association so we can have lots of reference.

After the meeting is lecture of Research Methods, Kay buys me some Siu Mai, so I will not feel so hungry. The lecture is boring and what the lecturer says has already written on the lecture notes. So do I have to attend the lecture? But it is good to hear from lecturer that the results of mid-term test is released and the mean score is A. [I check it after school, I got an A!]

Another meeting with groupmates. This is Research Methods. A large group of people in this project, TEN people. It is difficult to have all people in a meeting. But the meeting has no significant result at all because none of us know the purpose of this meeting and prepare for it. So this meeting is concluded to have a look on some Literature review and we will have the next meeting on next Thursday. Oh, I really want to skip the last class on Thursday, may I?

Originally I will have a dinner with Angela and Peggy, but unfortunately Angela's Visa to the U.K. is refused and she is so worry about it as she has already changed the date of her air ticket. She may need to change it again and additional fee 50 U.K. dollars will be charged. It is troublesome. Hope she can get her Visa as soon as possible. However, I know Angela will be very unhappy because she has bought the tickets of a concert in the U.K., which is held on coming Sunday, but it is not possible for her to go back to the U.K. by next week. =[


