2010年4月6日 星期二


Again the cooking class is led by the management team. I am assigned to cook the main course, which is the lamb. The first time I eat lamb is in the U.K. and having hot pot with Angela and Eros. I really do not know the real taste of lamb as I have only tasted one piece of lamb. Before cooking it, we have to cut the raw lamb meats ourselves. the skin of lamb is hard and we have to cut it away. It is a quite difficult task. It takes me over half an hour. Unfortunately, I cut myself. When I discover I cut myself. It is hurt but I cannot see any blood. I think I am okay. But a few second after, the blood run out. At that moment, the tutor, Peter is standing right next to me. So he helps me to cover it by plaster.

Then I continue my task. What is the truth is that my groupmate and I really do not know how to cook lamb, finally some of the lamb are over-cooked. So next time I know how to cook it. But believe me, the surfaces of the lamb are over-cooked but it is quite soft in the middle of the lamb. Because the management team requests us to cut the lamb into cube, as a result it is quite thick and are not easily cooked.

Really tired today, standing for three hours in which around an hour in front of a very very hot stove. All my moisture is absorbed by the stove.

It is always nice to have my Kay waiting for me after cooking class. Again, work hard for the examinations!!! Do not give up!!!

