2010年4月5日 星期一


Today's first lecture is Meeting Management. The lecturer is from Germany thus late is not allowed in her class. I am very punctual in her class every week. Today I arrive school at 09:00, which the class time is 09:30. It is early so I can have a quick breakfast. I forget to have breakfast at home again.
The second class is about internship, which is extremely boring. I could say the lecturer cannot help us in finding internship. He keeps on telling us there will be 15 participating organizations on the Career Day and over 200 position offered last year. But I hear from those 3-year classmates, they attended the Career Day last year, it was no use. It is because this Career Day is mainly held for Final year students, but all students in SHTM are required to attend the Career Day. The Human Resource Officers will only consider the applications of Final year students, those CV from non-final year students will be ignored. This Career Day cannot help us anyway. Nevertheless, I hate the lecturer as he is useless and the method he presents the PowerPoint is so annoying. Actually I do not even want to attend his class.
After this boring class, I decide to skip the Accounting class. I have to wait for about 4 hours for this lesson. I think it is a waste of time. ummmm.. This would be my last time to skip this class before the second test. I have to attend this lesson next week as I will have a meeting with groupmates concerning Research Methods. Poor.. By the way, I read the book of Accounting at home and I find that the Chapter is so long. Poor again..
For Kay, he has to arrive school at 08:00, so early as he and his team will be the management team for today's Millennium Training Restaurant. It is good to hear from him that everything is fine in the luncheon unless the POS system.
After that, he needs to do project with his groupmates in M core. He stay there until 20:00. Poor..


