2010年4月12日 星期一


I have a Research Methods group meeting with total of 10 groupmates today. I expect that I will late for 15 minutes, but the bus moves on the streets so fast that I do not late and I am the first one arrive the meeting venue. Then, there are only 6 participating groupmates and the meeting is only held for 30 minutes. The 3 important people that are the groupmates responsible for presentation are absent. After the 30-minute meeting, I have nothing to do, I do not have class today so I decide to go home after asking my Kay's opinion. It is better for me to go home rather than staying at school, at least I can do my homework now.
My Sony notebook is still out of stock. How come, Sony!!!

2010年4月11日 星期日


Processed Cheese is a food product made from normal chesse and sometimes other unfermented dairy ingredients, plus emulsifiers, extra salt, food colorings, or whey. Many flavors, colors, and textures of processed cheese exist.

Processed cheese has several technical advantages over unprocessed cheese, including extended shelf-life, resistance to separation when cooked, and uniformity of product. Its production also enjoys significant economic advantages over traditional cheesemaking processes, most often through the ability to incorporate any of a wide variety of less expensive ingredients.
The use of emulsifiers in processed cheese results in cheese that melts smoothly when cooked. With prolonged heating, unprocessed cheese will separate into a molten protein
gel and liquid fat; processed cheese will not separate in this manner. The emulsifiers, typically sodium phosphate, postassium phosphate, tartrate, or citrate, reduce the tendency for tiny fat globules in the cheese to coalesce and pool on the surface of the molten cheese.

Because processed cheese does not separate when melted, it is used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes. It is a popular addition to hamburgers, as it does not run off, nor does it change in texture or taste as it is heated.

Processed cheese is often criticized for its small range of flavors, which is far narrower than the range for unprocessed cheeses and normally very mild. Processed cheese also normally lacks the range of textures available in unprocessed cheeses; processed cheeses are normally very smooth and medium-firm.


2010年4月10日 星期六


I had the last F&B II laboratory class today. I hate this class so much. The lecturer gave us back our Practical Examination report as we may have our Practical Examination next weekend. Originally beer tasting was scheduled on today's class, but a girl fell down in kitchen because of alcohol, the session of beer tasting is cancelled. Cheese tasting is the replacement. The Processed Cheese is tasty, I like it so much. i will buy some in supermarket later on.

Here comes to the last Kitchen class of this semester. I thought our performance was better than last time. However, the main course was not been finished cooking yet before the class ended. I cooked lamb again this time, it was better as well because the size of the lamb was smaller than last time to make it easy for cook. Everything was fine and nothing special. Maybe all of us has became experts of cooking. HAHA

After class, my Kay tasted our dishes in school. Then we went to Tsim Sha Tsui i-square to see notebooks. We asked the salesperson if the model of notebook I wanted to buy was available. I was so happy that they answered me Yes. But my parents did not allow me to buy it at the moment. WHY??? It was good for Kay that the model he wanted was available. Finally he brought it and would probably addicted on it very much. Then I asked the salesperson again if the model I wanted was really available. After he checked it the system, he said NO.. He told us that the only retailer was Sony itself. Aiii.. disappointed again. My parents said that they would go to Sony shop to buy the notebook, I hoped they can really buy one for me, otherwise I will be crazy then.
Kay is addicting to his new notebook!!!


2010年4月9日 星期五


dà jiā hǎo 。 wǒ de zhuān yè shì jiǔ diàn guǎn lǐ , kè chéng zhōng bù dī kě yǐ huò dé
大家 好 。 我 的 專 業是 酒 店 管 理, 課 程 中 不低可以 獲 得
xiāng guān de zhī shi , ér qiě kě yǐ yú xué xiào kāi shè de qiān xǐ gé cān tīng zhōng
相 關 的 知 識 , 而 且可以 於學 校 開 設 的千 禧 閣 餐 廳 中
xué zhě é wài de shí yòng jì qiǎo 。 xiāng xìn dà jiā dōu xiǎng duì qiān xǐ gé cān tīng
學 者額 外的 實 用 技 巧 。 相 信 大家 都 想 對 千 禧閣 餐 廳
liǎo jiě duō yì diǎn , jiù ràng wǒ jiè shào yí xià ba 。

了 解 多一 點 , 就 讓 我 介 紹 一 下 吧 。
wèi yú F G 8 0 1 de qiān xǐ gé cān tīng suī rán shì yì suǒ zhuān wèi péi xùn xué sheng
位 於 FG 801 的 千 禧 閣餐 廳 雖 然 是 一 所 專 為 培 訓 學 生
ér shè de cān tīng , bú guò yùn zuò de mó shì yǔ shì miàn de cān tīng méi yǒu dà bù

設 的 餐 廳, 不 過 運 作 的模 式 與 市 面 的 餐 廳 沒 有 大 不
tóng 。
同 。

suǒ yǒu de xué sheng 、 jiào zhí yuán 、 shèn zhì fēi běn xiào de rén dōu kě yǐ guāng
所 有 的 學 生 、 教 職 員 、 甚 至 非 本 校 的 人 都 可以 光
gù qiān xǐ gé cān tīng , nǐ men kě yǐ xuǎn zé jiǎo jiāo nián fèi jiā rù huì jí ,
顧 千 禧 閣 餐 廳 , 你 們 可 以 選 擇 繳 交 年 費 加 入會籍,
fēi huì yuán de huà zé xū yào zhēng shōu é wài fèi yòng 。

非 會 員 的 話 則需 要 徵 收 額 外 費 用 。qiān xǐ gé cān tīng zhǔ yào tí gōng wǔ shàn jí wǎn cān de fú wù , wǔ 饍 yóu shí èr
千 禧 閣 餐 廳 主 要 提 供 午 善 及 晚 餐 的 服 務, 午 饍 由 十 二
shí zhì liǎng shí , wǎn cān zé yóu qī shí zhì shí shí 。

時 至 兩 時 , 晚 餐 則 由七 時 至 十 時。qí zhōng wǎn cān yóu sān nián jí shēng fù zé yíng yùn , měi cì dōu huì yǒu yóu tóng
其 中 晚 餐 由 三 年 級 生 負責 營 運 , 每 次 都 會 有 由 同
xué shè jì de zhǔ tí pèi hé , wèi kè rén zēng tiān lè qù 。 cǐ wài , qiān xǐ gé cān
學 設計的 主題 配 合, 為 客人 增 添 樂趣 。 此 外 , 千 禧閣 餐
tīng chí yǒu jiǔ pái , wèi kè rén tí gōng duō zhǒng guó jì zhī míng de jiǔ lèi yǐn
廳 持 有 酒 牌 , 為客 人 提 供 多 種 國 際知 名 的酒 類 飲
pǐn 。 gè wèi rú guǒ yǒu xìng qù yú qiān xǐ gé cān tīng jìn cān , kě liú yì xiào nèi
品 。 各 位 如 果 有 興 趣於 千 禧 閣餐 廳 進 餐 , 可 留 意 校 內
xuān chuán hǎi bào , qián wǎng yù dìng 。 宣 傳 海 報 , 前 往 預 訂 。


i nEED a nEW cOMPUTER..*

My computer cannot function. I cannot start it up, if I can, it would automatically shut down. Fortunately, I have moved many of my photos into my USB this morning. I am not sure if I can start my computer up next time. When will it die??? I would like to buy a new notebook to replace it. But the model I have chosen is out of stock. I have to wait for a week. Poor me.

Finally, I really would like to announce the certify time of my computer. I cannot start it up again. I have tried many many times using the method my brother told me, but it does not work. Although most of my photos are save now, but all of my assignments are remained in the computer. Therefore I use my mother's computer to finish the assignments. although the position is not as good as in my room, I still have computer to do my homework. I do not want to go back to school to use the computers, the traveling time is so long.

Kay has his first internship interview today. He does not tell me many things about the interview. He only laughs at what have happened in the interview. I believe that he does not want me to worry about him so he keeps everything in his heart. But it makes me even more worry about you.

2010年4月8日 星期四


Meeting Management class was scheduled at 09:30, the German lecturer did not allow student come in after 09:35. I have never be late, but today. I took on a bus, but it did not move smoothly for over 20 minutes for only one street. Finally I saw what happen when I arrived the bottle neck. There was a car accident occurred exactly over the only exit of the street. My friend, who lived in Western like me also late for school. She was even later than me. So we decided to do Meeting Management Project in library instead of attending the rest of the class. After that, I went to attend the tutorial class of Meeting Management. The result of my mid-term is released, not good, only 70/100.

Today I received a call from the hotel I have interviewed yesterday. They called me to have a second interview next week. I hope I can pass this interview because it might be a good start of my career ladder.
Aiiii, Kay is not studying for his interview tomorrow. The basic preparation is supposed to be the self-introduction. If you do not want to prepare so many things for the interview, because you want to be natural. But I think that you should prepare for your self-introduction in English or Putonghau, otherwise you may not have any showtime at all.


2010年4月7日 星期三


Aiiii... Here comes to my eighth internship interview. I am so tired of interview. Actually I have already hired by one of the hotels, but I do not really like the position and the duties of it. Additionally, I do not very much like the hotel at all. Among the eight hotels, I hope I can have opportunity to work in front-line, no matter the hotel is big or small, chain or independent. I am also okay to work in hotel's back office position if the hotel can offer me a position that can further develop and explore myself. I already have a role model in my mind that I would like to be a trainee like my friend has done in my previous hotel. After her internship program and graduation, she really enter the hotel to become a permanent staff member. She is good at inter-communication skill and not surprisingly computer application. She switch her position from F&B Office Assistant in internship to Sales and Marketing Agent. I appreciate her so much. I hope I can get a permanent job in internship program like her.

Kay will have his first internship interview on the day after tomorrow. This is probably his showtime. I am not worrying him because I think he can handle everything without others concern. By the way, I hope he can get this job!


2010年4月6日 星期二


I went to this Life-size Figurine Extravaganza with my beloved Kay this afternoon. It was amazing to see so many Star Wars characters life-size figure standing in front of me. It made me really want to re-watch the SIX episode in one day! By the way, there were many people in the exhibition that made me could not really look at every single figure in detail.


6 cups chicken stock
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 cups pumpkin puree
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
5 whole black peppercorns

Directions :
1. Heat stock, salt, pumpkin, onion, thyme, garlic, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes uncovered.
2. Puree the soup in small batches (1 cup at a time) using a food processor or blender.
3. Return to pan, and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for another 30 minutes, uncovered. Stir in heavy cream. Pour into soup bowls and garnish with fresh parsley


Oh my goodness, Yesterday was my day-off, buy I did not do many thing. So lazy. I just read the textbook of Meeting Management, the one that the words are very very small. I found that the textbook includes many content that not related to the lecture notes - a waste of time.

Today, not so much to do, as boring as usual because all the class scheduled in Tuesday are tutorials. Most likely no need to pay attention. However, I am quite nervous during the afternoon as my classmate tells me that there are quite a lot of applications to the hotel in Taiwan. The possibility of choosing me is low low low, I guess. One more important thing is that I send the pictures to Taiwan wrongly, because my classmate and I misunderstand the requirement. So we decide to send the pictures again. Hope the Taiwan side would consider for a longer period and look at my pictures as usual. Our internship tutor says that Taiwan would only choose 5 people to interview and only hire 5 people. Then, is it 100% employment after interview? By the way, some of my classmates say that this is not a screening process that base on our academic backgrounds and working experiences, but our appearance. If you are beautiful and attractive enough, the possibility of being chosen is higher. Sigh

Anyway, do anything I can at the moment. Try harder with my dearest classmates. Last but not least, my Kay, fighting, fighting, fighting! 12 days to go!



Time is flying! It is the seventh months since we get together. How fast! However, we did not plan any activity to celebrate this special day where White Valentine's day and the day we love each other for seven months are the same day. It does not matter as both of us are busy for schoolwork, mid-term tests and public examinations. Try our best Kay*


Again the cooking class is led by the management team. I am assigned to cook the main course, which is the lamb. The first time I eat lamb is in the U.K. and having hot pot with Angela and Eros. I really do not know the real taste of lamb as I have only tasted one piece of lamb. Before cooking it, we have to cut the raw lamb meats ourselves. the skin of lamb is hard and we have to cut it away. It is a quite difficult task. It takes me over half an hour. Unfortunately, I cut myself. When I discover I cut myself. It is hurt but I cannot see any blood. I think I am okay. But a few second after, the blood run out. At that moment, the tutor, Peter is standing right next to me. So he helps me to cover it by plaster.

Then I continue my task. What is the truth is that my groupmate and I really do not know how to cook lamb, finally some of the lamb are over-cooked. So next time I know how to cook it. But believe me, the surfaces of the lamb are over-cooked but it is quite soft in the middle of the lamb. Because the management team requests us to cut the lamb into cube, as a result it is quite thick and are not easily cooked.

Really tired today, standing for three hours in which around an hour in front of a very very hot stove. All my moisture is absorbed by the stove.

It is always nice to have my Kay waiting for me after cooking class. Again, work hard for the examinations!!! Do not give up!!!

2010年4月5日 星期一


In your housing estate, a number of criminals has been tricking old people into giving them money. On behalf of the Owner’s Association of the estate, write to the Hong Kong Post about an incident that took place recently. Describe how the old person was tricked, what the victim lost and explain some of the measures your association has taken to protect people from being tricked in future.

Dear Editor

I am writing to draw the public attention to what the elderly has been tricked in my housing estate recently. It alarms me to share those cases because of avoiding others from being tricked.

The trap was set by a group of criminals and their target was the old people lived in some large housing estate. They usually find the elderly who is alone. They will lie on them that there is some troubles happened on the victims’ families and then recommend the victim to give them a large amount of money to help the family to tackle the troubles. Sometimes, the victim may have not enough money immediately; therefore, the criminal will suggest the victim get money from the bank account. In fact, the money is not used to help the victims’ families; it is taken away by the criminal.

According to the victims mention, the average of money they lose is above five thousands dollars. It is a quite large amount for those elderly. This loss may affect their life so much since it may probably the total amount of money of them, thus they do not have additional money to buy food or any essences for daily life. It is very harmful to the victims, therefore, the traps alerts the public to concern about the effective protection for elderly from being tricked.In order to protect the old residents from being tricked, the Owners’ Association of our estate will set up a volunteer team consisting of our neighbors. For example, the volunteers will offer help when they find that the elderly is talking to suspect strangers. They will ask for identification of the strangers so as to reduce the risk of the trap happen.

Raising the awareness of the trap is also an effective solution of protecting our old residents. For instances, holding talks, which are about avoiding the trap, give information of the trap and suggest the ways to prevent it in the future. These activities could be cooperated with the Hong Kong Police as well.

Promotion of encouraging the old residents to strengthen the communication with their families is also important for preventing the trap. It is impossible that the elderly will believe the criminal after asking the real situation from their families. The criminal will not success if the communication between them and their families is sufficient.It is ridiculous that those criminals success in tricking the elderly in Hong Kong, where is labeled as one of the most safety cities around the world. We need to do anything to hold this honor in the future.

Yours faithfully



I received a call from Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees regarding summer internship interview on Monday and the interview is arranged on Wednesday. I am very very nervous about this interview. I have sent out many emails to hotels to look for opportunties for interview. I am so happy that I can receive reply.

I woke up at 07:00 this morning. Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees is located at Tokwawan and I am not sure how to go to the hotel, I take on the bus at 09:00 as the interview time is 10:30. The Human Resources Officer has told me that the interview will be held for about 2 hours. That long. After I fill in the application form, they give me a test, to test me the ability of using Microsoft Word and Excel, of course my ability to typing and translating Chinese into English. It takes 45 minutes. Too tired. Then it comes to the individual interview with the Senior Human Resources Officer. I am applying for the Human Resources Trainee. I told her I will attend the Putonghua class afterwards and then she ask me to introduce myself in Putonghua. Ohhhh.. I did not prepare self-introduction in Chinese. Then the rest of the interview is conducted in Cantonese, quite easy, right?
Actually I hope to be employed as Human Resources Trainee, but I also want other Off-shore summer job internship. It is complicated. So.. Let it be.. =[

KayKay, you should work hard as what you did before, I will always support you! Still have a little bit more than half of a month to go, try you best!

p.s.: Please be reminded to bring your compositions to me tomorrow.


I believe most of you should have heard this song. How many years is this song?


曲:姚大偉 詞:祖詩 編:歐志雄 唱:秦,葉珮珩/胡楓,陳婷欣(Zue)



















Poor me, I usually wake up at about 03:00 every morning. This morning, I wake up as "usual" but I cannot fall asleep again untill about 05:00. So you know how tired I am today.
I am so boring today. Just keep on surfing on the Internet and reading the textbook, but only one chapter because the words on the book are too small. I cannot read them clearly as I am sleepy.
I just feel worry about something. Only my Kay will understand my feeling. I will not tell anybody what I am worrying about. Kay is the only one know what have happened today. I know you are striving to make me peaceful, but my mind cannot think about anything but that. Hope I will be okay for that.
I have not seen my Kay for today. I know he is working hard for the examination. Very happy to hear that! Keep going!
I hope I will not awake at 03:00 tomorrow. I have to study now! =[


Banana-Berry Smoothie

4-5 cubes of ice

1/4 cup orange juice

1/2 cup plain, low-fat yogurt

1/2 small, peeled ripe banana

1/4 cup stemmed, sliced strawberries honey to taste

1 1/2 tablespoons vanilla soy protein powder

Place all the ingredients in a blender.Blend on high speed until smooth.



Finally I finished watching a whole chapter of the Accounting book last night. And I also finish the classwork of it today. The calculations make me sick, too many equations and numbers.
The weather is a little bit cold today instead of the hotness of yesterday. It is quite comfortable to read textbook and prepare for the meetings of the coming weeks, right? Again, they make me sick, too many concepts and words.
I feel like I have done nothing but I spend an afternoon to sit in front of my desk. What actually have I do??? I want holiday again.
My Kay works on his revision. I better not to disturb him! Work hard! By the way, thanks my Kay for helping translation. Good article!


I do not have to attend the lesson of F&B II because I have attended it last week. I have meeting with my groupmates of F&B II at 10:00 concerning our practical examination. The theme of our examination is Alice in the Wonderland. So amazing to have a Disney theme in our examination. This is again a large group of people in a team. FOURTEEN people. However, we come from 3 separate small teams, so we can work easily with our small groups. My group and I are responsible for decorating the Millennium Training Restaurant. Just wondering how to find so many decoration stuff like pokers and rabbits in both very big and small size. We all agree that the result of this subject's practical examination depends on the budget of us. The more the money we spend on beautiful decoration, nice design of printed materials and expensive promotional drinks, the higher the grade the examination is. If you are poor, please do not expect you will have a high mark. haha

After the one hour and a half meeting, we need to attend the lesson of F&B I, which is the cooking class. It is the boys' turn to be the management team. I am responsible for cooking the pumpkin soup. When I first receive the recipe, I am surprise that they add celery and leek into the soup. It is strange! The 4-dish luncheon is prepared "easily" as we still have about an hour left when we finish most of our cooking. However, in between the cooking process, the tutor, Peter, always ask the management why why why again. But in fact, their ingredients and cooking methods are really strange. Finally we taste for the food, the taste of the pumpkin soup is not normal, full of the smell and taste of celery but no pumpkin. The pasta are dry and the clams are full of sand, terrible. The chocolate puddings are not "solidified", it is like drinking the dessert. The most normal dish is the starter, shrimp salad, taste good. The management team could have a large room for improvement. However, it is good to work with the management team and my colleagues, it is interesting, though my legs are extremely tired. We stand for 3 hours every Saturday. All of us are already very tired after this class.

My Kay come back to school to find me today. I pick some of the food for him to taste. He fully realize that I am cook better than those boys. The most important is that we also realize that Peter is a "non-responsible" tutor. He only knows how to scold us but not guiding us. haha
Kay:: Work hard for the examination!



Dear Editor

In response to the unhealthy phenomenon that most students are carrying very heavy school bags nowadays. It is not overstated that the average weight of a Secondary three student’s school bag is 5 kg. Perhaps, some said that students are those who are responsible for the weight problem because they usually bring something unnecessary to school. I would like to share my suggestion to those related parties, such as textbook publisher, school and student.

The first thing that the textbook publishers should do is to publish their books electronically. They should computerize some information of the books, such as reference reading or exercises in order to let students use the material through computers. Therefore, the books will be lightened due to reducing the content of the books.

Secondly, they should sort their books by chapter and the books are able to be separated chapter by chapter, therefore, it is possible for students to simply bring the needed chapters to school instead of bringing the whole book. Moreover, reducing the attachment in the book by providing supplementary information online can also help lightening the weight of students’ school bag.

Schools are also an important role to help lightening the weight of school bags. Firstly, schools should provide enough lockers for students, they can store some books or stationeries in the locker and thus eliminate the weight of those stuff. Secondly, teachers should clearly remind students what are necessary to bring for school since students sometimes may confuse about what is needed for class as a result they just bring all of the books.

As a student, we can do many things to reduce the school bag’s weight. For instance, we should pack our school bag every day. By following our timetable, we would not bring anything that is unrelated to class. Finishing homework in school is also another method to minimize the weight of school bags. We can do the homework during the break; therefore the homework can be left in school locker.The problem of heavy school bag really affects the growth of students, which would damage their backbones. Textbook publishers, schools and students themselves should take responsibility and try their best to do my suggestions to prevent students from getting hurt from their heavy school bags.



This morning Kay comes to visit me. It is his only relax time per week as he is preparing for the public examinations. I wish him everything success in the examinations, truly.
The new washing machine is delivered to my home this afternoon, but the workers leave it in my home without installing it. I am questioning on the reason. But in fact they are only responsible for transporting it to my home but not technicians who install it. The technician installs it when I go for school. Now, we do not need deliver our clothes to laundry every day, we can wash them by ourselves. It is troublesome and expensive to wash it by laundry.
I had my "Brunch" with Kay in school Chinese restaurant this afternoon before our class. We already have not visited the restaurant for a long time. We are really very full this time. Tasty. The most interesting is that, we see every people that we have met in the previous visit of the restaurant this time. How can it be???
Kay:: Work hard for the examination at the end of March!!!*



Today's first lecture is Meeting Management. The lecturer is from Germany thus late is not allowed in her class. I am very punctual in her class every week. Today I arrive school at 09:00, which the class time is 09:30. It is early so I can have a quick breakfast. I forget to have breakfast at home again.
The second class is about internship, which is extremely boring. I could say the lecturer cannot help us in finding internship. He keeps on telling us there will be 15 participating organizations on the Career Day and over 200 position offered last year. But I hear from those 3-year classmates, they attended the Career Day last year, it was no use. It is because this Career Day is mainly held for Final year students, but all students in SHTM are required to attend the Career Day. The Human Resource Officers will only consider the applications of Final year students, those CV from non-final year students will be ignored. This Career Day cannot help us anyway. Nevertheless, I hate the lecturer as he is useless and the method he presents the PowerPoint is so annoying. Actually I do not even want to attend his class.
After this boring class, I decide to skip the Accounting class. I have to wait for about 4 hours for this lesson. I think it is a waste of time. ummmm.. This would be my last time to skip this class before the second test. I have to attend this lesson next week as I will have a meeting with groupmates concerning Research Methods. Poor.. By the way, I read the book of Accounting at home and I find that the Chapter is so long. Poor again..
For Kay, he has to arrive school at 08:00, so early as he and his team will be the management team for today's Millennium Training Restaurant. It is good to hear from him that everything is fine in the luncheon unless the POS system.
After that, he needs to do project with his groupmates in M core. He stay there until 20:00. Poor..



I have lots of tasks need to do today, they make me very busy. Putonghua discussion test is held in the afternoon during the Putonghua lesson. I think I perform quite good in the test as I have prepared and memorized the script. I am so relax after the test!

Then I have a meeting with my groupmates concerning the Meeting Management Project. It is quite confused that we do not know what we have to include in the Report. Lucky, one of my groupmates has information of an International association so we can have lots of reference.

After the meeting is lecture of Research Methods, Kay buys me some Siu Mai, so I will not feel so hungry. The lecture is boring and what the lecturer says has already written on the lecture notes. So do I have to attend the lecture? But it is good to hear from lecturer that the results of mid-term test is released and the mean score is A. [I check it after school, I got an A!]

Another meeting with groupmates. This is Research Methods. A large group of people in this project, TEN people. It is difficult to have all people in a meeting. But the meeting has no significant result at all because none of us know the purpose of this meeting and prepare for it. So this meeting is concluded to have a look on some Literature review and we will have the next meeting on next Thursday. Oh, I really want to skip the last class on Thursday, may I?

Originally I will have a dinner with Angela and Peggy, but unfortunately Angela's Visa to the U.K. is refused and she is so worry about it as she has already changed the date of her air ticket. She may need to change it again and additional fee 50 U.K. dollars will be charged. It is troublesome. Hope she can get her Visa as soon as possible. However, I know Angela will be very unhappy because she has bought the tickets of a concert in the U.K., which is held on coming Sunday, but it is not possible for her to go back to the U.K. by next week. =[



Classic Cocktail: Screwdriver
Fruity aperitif or after-dinner drink
Rocks glass
1½ ounces (38 ml) Vodka
Orange juice for topping up
Garnish: ½ slice of orange

Pour the vodka into the glass, with ice cubes, and top up with orange juicePerch the slice of orange on the rim of the glass


New York Cheesecake
1 ¾ cup graham cracker crumbs (crushed)
¼ cup macadamia nuts (crushed)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ cup butter
5 (8 oz) Packages of softened cream cheese
1 ¾ cup sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
5 eggs2 egg yolks
¼ heavy whipping cream
1 ½ teaspoons almond extract

Cooking Instructions:
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Crush graham crackers and macadamia nuts and mix them together with ground cinnamon and melted butter in a bowl.
Step 2: Press onto the bottom and sides of a 9 inch springform pan.
Step 3: Place it into the oven and bake for 7 minutes, then remove and let it cool.
Step 4: Increase oven temperature to 475 degrees. Combine cream cheese, 1 ¾ cup sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, 5 eggs and 2 egg yolks, and mix thoroughly. Next, add almond extract and heavy whipping cream and mix just enough to blend.
Step 5: Pour filling mixture over your crust. Place back in the oven and bake on 475 for 10 minutes.
Step 6: Reduce oven temperature to 200 degrees and let your cheesecake bake for 1 hour. After an hour turn off your oven, but leave the cake in there for another hour before taking out.
Step 7: Remove the cheesecake from your oven, cool slightly and then place it overnight in your refrigerator.



Shanghai Disneyland is confirmed to build few years ago. Some people said that it is really a bad news to Hong Kong theme parks, because they believe that most travelers will visit Shanghai Disneyland and not to visit the theme parks in Hong Kong, which are Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park Hong Kong. Let me share my point of view on this issue, which is how Shanghai Disneyland affects Hong Kong theme parks.

First of all, Hong Kong theme parks may lose its visitors. Most travelers want to have fun in some new attraction instead of Hong Kong theme parks, which have operated for a long time. Although Disneyland has already run in Hong Kong now, its size is too small. It is the smallest Disneyland in the world; the number of facilities is not enough. Compared with theme parks in Hong Kong, Shanghai Disneyland is larger. Visitors can find more amazing facilities in there.

On the other hand, Shanghai Disneyland and Hong Kong theme parks can build a positive competitive relationship in the future. Their business purposes are similar, which are making customers have fun in their parks. Based on this purpose, they can develop in different ways. For example developing their own style facilities. They should develop sustainably, so as to compete with other theme parks outside China and maximize their profit.

I would like to suggest some ways to maintain the profit of Hong Kong theme parks. Firstly, I suggest that Hong Kong theme parks can cooperate with Mainland theme parks, like Shanghai Disneyland to promote the travel package, which include the tickets of both of the theme parks and accommodation with special offer. Secondly, in order to fulfill different customers’ curiosity, renewing new facilities is also one of the important ideas to help Hong Kong theme parks to increase the profit. Furthermore, the theme parks should hold some special events, which the topics could match with festival or season, such as holding some snow entertainment functions during Christmas.Hong Kong theme parks are able to maintain their popularity if they put more effort to develop and become more creative, no matter how powerful their competitors are.



Mocktail:: Mango Yogurt [delicious]

Glassware: Highball Glass


6 ounces (150 ml)

Pineapple Juice 1 ounce (25 ml)

Sugar Syrup 2 tables poon (30 ml)

Plain Yogurt ½ pc

Mango 5

Ice cubes


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend wellPour into a highball glass



I heard the song of [Crying out LOVE in the centre of the world] again in the radio yesterday. So touching. The LOVE between the boy and girl is so pure. I promise myself to review this movie every year.

The lyrics of the song in Chinese:
[[輕閉雙眼 - 平井堅]]
今天卻是一陣寒冷停止苦笑 拉開沉重的窗簾
與身體 卻都牢記著你
輕閉雙眼 在心中描繪你的樣子這樣就好
不管季節將我的心置於不顧 有一天對於你的事