2010年4月12日 星期一


I have a Research Methods group meeting with total of 10 groupmates today. I expect that I will late for 15 minutes, but the bus moves on the streets so fast that I do not late and I am the first one arrive the meeting venue. Then, there are only 6 participating groupmates and the meeting is only held for 30 minutes. The 3 important people that are the groupmates responsible for presentation are absent. After the 30-minute meeting, I have nothing to do, I do not have class today so I decide to go home after asking my Kay's opinion. It is better for me to go home rather than staying at school, at least I can do my homework now.
My Sony notebook is still out of stock. How come, Sony!!!

2010年4月11日 星期日


Processed Cheese is a food product made from normal chesse and sometimes other unfermented dairy ingredients, plus emulsifiers, extra salt, food colorings, or whey. Many flavors, colors, and textures of processed cheese exist.

Processed cheese has several technical advantages over unprocessed cheese, including extended shelf-life, resistance to separation when cooked, and uniformity of product. Its production also enjoys significant economic advantages over traditional cheesemaking processes, most often through the ability to incorporate any of a wide variety of less expensive ingredients.
The use of emulsifiers in processed cheese results in cheese that melts smoothly when cooked. With prolonged heating, unprocessed cheese will separate into a molten protein
gel and liquid fat; processed cheese will not separate in this manner. The emulsifiers, typically sodium phosphate, postassium phosphate, tartrate, or citrate, reduce the tendency for tiny fat globules in the cheese to coalesce and pool on the surface of the molten cheese.

Because processed cheese does not separate when melted, it is used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes. It is a popular addition to hamburgers, as it does not run off, nor does it change in texture or taste as it is heated.

Processed cheese is often criticized for its small range of flavors, which is far narrower than the range for unprocessed cheeses and normally very mild. Processed cheese also normally lacks the range of textures available in unprocessed cheeses; processed cheeses are normally very smooth and medium-firm.


2010年4月10日 星期六


I had the last F&B II laboratory class today. I hate this class so much. The lecturer gave us back our Practical Examination report as we may have our Practical Examination next weekend. Originally beer tasting was scheduled on today's class, but a girl fell down in kitchen because of alcohol, the session of beer tasting is cancelled. Cheese tasting is the replacement. The Processed Cheese is tasty, I like it so much. i will buy some in supermarket later on.

Here comes to the last Kitchen class of this semester. I thought our performance was better than last time. However, the main course was not been finished cooking yet before the class ended. I cooked lamb again this time, it was better as well because the size of the lamb was smaller than last time to make it easy for cook. Everything was fine and nothing special. Maybe all of us has became experts of cooking. HAHA

After class, my Kay tasted our dishes in school. Then we went to Tsim Sha Tsui i-square to see notebooks. We asked the salesperson if the model of notebook I wanted to buy was available. I was so happy that they answered me Yes. But my parents did not allow me to buy it at the moment. WHY??? It was good for Kay that the model he wanted was available. Finally he brought it and would probably addicted on it very much. Then I asked the salesperson again if the model I wanted was really available. After he checked it the system, he said NO.. He told us that the only retailer was Sony itself. Aiii.. disappointed again. My parents said that they would go to Sony shop to buy the notebook, I hoped they can really buy one for me, otherwise I will be crazy then.
Kay is addicting to his new notebook!!!


2010年4月9日 星期五


dà jiā hǎo 。 wǒ de zhuān yè shì jiǔ diàn guǎn lǐ , kè chéng zhōng bù dī kě yǐ huò dé
大家 好 。 我 的 專 業是 酒 店 管 理, 課 程 中 不低可以 獲 得
xiāng guān de zhī shi , ér qiě kě yǐ yú xué xiào kāi shè de qiān xǐ gé cān tīng zhōng
相 關 的 知 識 , 而 且可以 於學 校 開 設 的千 禧 閣 餐 廳 中
xué zhě é wài de shí yòng jì qiǎo 。 xiāng xìn dà jiā dōu xiǎng duì qiān xǐ gé cān tīng
學 者額 外的 實 用 技 巧 。 相 信 大家 都 想 對 千 禧閣 餐 廳
liǎo jiě duō yì diǎn , jiù ràng wǒ jiè shào yí xià ba 。

了 解 多一 點 , 就 讓 我 介 紹 一 下 吧 。
wèi yú F G 8 0 1 de qiān xǐ gé cān tīng suī rán shì yì suǒ zhuān wèi péi xùn xué sheng
位 於 FG 801 的 千 禧 閣餐 廳 雖 然 是 一 所 專 為 培 訓 學 生
ér shè de cān tīng , bú guò yùn zuò de mó shì yǔ shì miàn de cān tīng méi yǒu dà bù

設 的 餐 廳, 不 過 運 作 的模 式 與 市 面 的 餐 廳 沒 有 大 不
tóng 。
同 。

suǒ yǒu de xué sheng 、 jiào zhí yuán 、 shèn zhì fēi běn xiào de rén dōu kě yǐ guāng
所 有 的 學 生 、 教 職 員 、 甚 至 非 本 校 的 人 都 可以 光
gù qiān xǐ gé cān tīng , nǐ men kě yǐ xuǎn zé jiǎo jiāo nián fèi jiā rù huì jí ,
顧 千 禧 閣 餐 廳 , 你 們 可 以 選 擇 繳 交 年 費 加 入會籍,
fēi huì yuán de huà zé xū yào zhēng shōu é wài fèi yòng 。

非 會 員 的 話 則需 要 徵 收 額 外 費 用 。qiān xǐ gé cān tīng zhǔ yào tí gōng wǔ shàn jí wǎn cān de fú wù , wǔ 饍 yóu shí èr
千 禧 閣 餐 廳 主 要 提 供 午 善 及 晚 餐 的 服 務, 午 饍 由 十 二
shí zhì liǎng shí , wǎn cān zé yóu qī shí zhì shí shí 。

時 至 兩 時 , 晚 餐 則 由七 時 至 十 時。qí zhōng wǎn cān yóu sān nián jí shēng fù zé yíng yùn , měi cì dōu huì yǒu yóu tóng
其 中 晚 餐 由 三 年 級 生 負責 營 運 , 每 次 都 會 有 由 同
xué shè jì de zhǔ tí pèi hé , wèi kè rén zēng tiān lè qù 。 cǐ wài , qiān xǐ gé cān
學 設計的 主題 配 合, 為 客人 增 添 樂趣 。 此 外 , 千 禧閣 餐
tīng chí yǒu jiǔ pái , wèi kè rén tí gōng duō zhǒng guó jì zhī míng de jiǔ lèi yǐn
廳 持 有 酒 牌 , 為客 人 提 供 多 種 國 際知 名 的酒 類 飲
pǐn 。 gè wèi rú guǒ yǒu xìng qù yú qiān xǐ gé cān tīng jìn cān , kě liú yì xiào nèi
品 。 各 位 如 果 有 興 趣於 千 禧 閣餐 廳 進 餐 , 可 留 意 校 內
xuān chuán hǎi bào , qián wǎng yù dìng 。 宣 傳 海 報 , 前 往 預 訂 。


i nEED a nEW cOMPUTER..*

My computer cannot function. I cannot start it up, if I can, it would automatically shut down. Fortunately, I have moved many of my photos into my USB this morning. I am not sure if I can start my computer up next time. When will it die??? I would like to buy a new notebook to replace it. But the model I have chosen is out of stock. I have to wait for a week. Poor me.

Finally, I really would like to announce the certify time of my computer. I cannot start it up again. I have tried many many times using the method my brother told me, but it does not work. Although most of my photos are save now, but all of my assignments are remained in the computer. Therefore I use my mother's computer to finish the assignments. although the position is not as good as in my room, I still have computer to do my homework. I do not want to go back to school to use the computers, the traveling time is so long.

Kay has his first internship interview today. He does not tell me many things about the interview. He only laughs at what have happened in the interview. I believe that he does not want me to worry about him so he keeps everything in his heart. But it makes me even more worry about you.

2010年4月8日 星期四


Meeting Management class was scheduled at 09:30, the German lecturer did not allow student come in after 09:35. I have never be late, but today. I took on a bus, but it did not move smoothly for over 20 minutes for only one street. Finally I saw what happen when I arrived the bottle neck. There was a car accident occurred exactly over the only exit of the street. My friend, who lived in Western like me also late for school. She was even later than me. So we decided to do Meeting Management Project in library instead of attending the rest of the class. After that, I went to attend the tutorial class of Meeting Management. The result of my mid-term is released, not good, only 70/100.

Today I received a call from the hotel I have interviewed yesterday. They called me to have a second interview next week. I hope I can pass this interview because it might be a good start of my career ladder.
Aiiii, Kay is not studying for his interview tomorrow. The basic preparation is supposed to be the self-introduction. If you do not want to prepare so many things for the interview, because you want to be natural. But I think that you should prepare for your self-introduction in English or Putonghau, otherwise you may not have any showtime at all.


2010年4月7日 星期三


Aiiii... Here comes to my eighth internship interview. I am so tired of interview. Actually I have already hired by one of the hotels, but I do not really like the position and the duties of it. Additionally, I do not very much like the hotel at all. Among the eight hotels, I hope I can have opportunity to work in front-line, no matter the hotel is big or small, chain or independent. I am also okay to work in hotel's back office position if the hotel can offer me a position that can further develop and explore myself. I already have a role model in my mind that I would like to be a trainee like my friend has done in my previous hotel. After her internship program and graduation, she really enter the hotel to become a permanent staff member. She is good at inter-communication skill and not surprisingly computer application. She switch her position from F&B Office Assistant in internship to Sales and Marketing Agent. I appreciate her so much. I hope I can get a permanent job in internship program like her.

Kay will have his first internship interview on the day after tomorrow. This is probably his showtime. I am not worrying him because I think he can handle everything without others concern. By the way, I hope he can get this job!
